Saturday, November 05, 2005

Roscoe Tanner Assigned New Extradition Hearing Date

Roscoe Tanner requested and received authorization from the court for a delay of his extradition hearing from October 24 to November 14 to allow his attorney an opportunity to raise the funds to communicate with Roscoe's victims and with the district attorney's who have extradition requests pending, toward a settlement of the outstanding charges against him.

Payment of $25,000 has already been made to one of the victims of his fraud in Florida in exchange for a signed settlement agreement. Negotiations are supposedly underway with California plaintiffs and district attorneys in both Florida and California.

Isn't is curious how a man who has been unable to pay court ordered child support obligations for such a long period of time, somehow is able to come up with $25,000.00 cash to pay past due obligations on a boat deal?

The threat of arrest and fact of incarceration sure have a way of reminding a man to fulfill the obligations he has, don't they?